
Giving Tuesday - YourPassion1st


We are so thankful for the outpouring of support this year and a huge shout out to Julius "The Mad Thinker" Spates and the entire Mi Casa Family for your commitment and dedication to our mission of improving communities around the world through youth empowerment. Know that none of this is possible without the communities' continued love, energy, and support, and for that we are forever grateful, and not just on #GivingTuesday, but EVERYDAY. So far this year, your contributions have assisted us in meeting countless goals:
  1. We were able to mentor 30 young adults this year from Chicago, Brazil, & South Africa and provide mental health, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship support for 7 months of intense training, as they find, define, and follow their passions into the workforce.
  2. We were able to host our 2nd Annual Historical Scavenger Hunt, changing the lens on our community, and highlighting our true Narrative here in the Austin Community.
  3. We were able to support a number of community events to include our 1st ever Austoberfest, in partnership with Project Exploration, as well as the numerous community events and food giveaways with Pastor Mac & What About Us Inc.
#GivingTuesday isn't about how much you can give, it's about where your heart is. So whether you can give money, time, or simply a kind gesture, they all go a long way. Your support for our 2022 season will have a huge impact, and will help us to:
  • Connect more young adults internationally with the mentorship, tools, and resources needed to find, define, and follow their passion into the workforce.
  • Provide safer spaces around mental health with a huge focus on Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies implemented within our regenerative community growth plans.
  • Encourage youth involvement in their communities around their areas of passion.
Join us as we kickoff the 2022 season, and help save a young adults life by showing them that you care. Every donation makes a difference, we are so appreciative of your support. You can donate below, or on CashApp & Venmo @YourPassion1st and on Zelle at chris@yourpassion1st.com.




Festival Recap:

We've had so much fun at our 2021 MCH Weekend & Global Workforce Readiness Music Festival with virtual & in person workshops, raffles, music, art, comedy, panels, discussions, demos, films, and a number of other amazing opportunities to engage with communities from around the world. Thank you again so much for everyone's support, love, and energy. In case you missed it, here's a link to check out the Workforce Readiness Music Festival and more below. Check Out Recording of the Festival on Twitch

Upcoming Events:

December 18th YP1 End of year Gala (Virtual) This will be a night filled with joy as we celebrate our Young Ambassadors for a completing the program, and acknowledge you and our amazing team for supporting our program. December 30th Sneaker Ball Bethel New Life 1150 N. Lamon Chicago, IL Volunteers Needed for more details, email us at info@yourpassion1st.com


YourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspiredYourPassion1st - To inspire and be inspired
YourPassion1st Inc.
(773) 904-6814
The dangers of the “Just Do It” mindset...when you don’t have the tools you need to get it done.

The dangers of the “Just Do It” mindset…when you don’t have the tools you need to get it done.

I cried 3 times this week. Once from anger, once from sadness, and once from happiness. Most importantly, I let those feelings be, to allow myself the vulnerability to be open for change. Often times as black males, we have to hold in our aggression, and not show our sadness (be tough). Not show our happiness (be tough).
The toughest thing one can do is be vulnerable enough with their feelings to allow the negative impact to push you towards a positive resolution. When we suppress our emotions, they become repressed, and that energy is misdirected and can show up in unexpected and detrimental ways. Let it out, be vulnerable, be you, but most importantly, always strive for the thing you want to see and be. In order to follow your dreams, you have to put YourPassion1st.   Equity isn’t giving everyone a bandaid, equity is giving a bandaid to those who need it. Many academics and scholars are having conversations about the importance of mental health in spaces where the underserved don’t have access. These conversations are happening in “abundance” and it can seem that the tides are changing, however, those that need access to mental health assistance are still severely lacking. The World Health Organization compiled information from over 20 studies and came to the conclusion that poverty, hunger, overcrowded housing, and more are directly linked to a higher rate of mental illness. Furthermore, A study by JAMA Psychiatry has found that low-income communities lack access to specialty mental health care treatment. These findings suggest that underserved youth are at a higher risk of mental health issues and have fewer resources than those in higher-income households. When we connect mental health to being “functional in the workplace” and pursuing goals and passions then those that come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are at a direct disadvantage. It’s important for us to do our part in supporting the mental health of the next generation so that we can give them a fighting chance of not only being able to take care of themselves but so that we can have the privilege of experiencing and benefiting from all of the talents and gifts that are lying dormant inside of them. They are our future and when we ignore them and cast them aside we are doing humanity a disservice.
Reimagining Your Why - Your Passion 1st

Reimagining Your Why

Unprecedented, omnipresent, and life-altering. No matter how you describe the COVID-19 pandemic, for billions around the world the virus has changed life as we know it. Mental Health Issues have shown up front and center since the arrival of COVID-19.  They have been addressed by the media, in particular entertainers, sports stars, musicians, and even in the culinary space as we look to redefine who and what we bring into our mind, body, and spirit. While this crisis has affected adults on so many fronts, we must also take into consideration how this is affecting our youth.

According to the Association for Children’s Mental Health (ACMH), one in five adolescents have some kind of diagnosable emotional, behavioral, or mental health disorder. It is also estimated that one in ten adolescents have mental health challenges. Therefore it is imperative that as mentors and parents of young adults, we identify and assess mental health concerns, as opposed to behavior changes that are attributed to normal growth and development during the adolescent years.

Life will never return to what it was. As rushed vaccines, do their best, much will still be permanently changed. Engaging in the workplace, attitudes about life goals, and reimagining how to conduct life socially are all things YourPassion1st is excited and eager to focus on. Mental Health Awareness will be increased as individuals revisit personal goals, and organizations will be forced to look at hiring, onboarding, training and retention policies as they look to redefine equitable employee engagement standards for all, but most intentional around our black and brown young adults as they get ready to initially enter or re-enter the workforce.

Interestingly, some new research points to features of mental health that will be needed during this 3rd Industrial Revolution. Those findings link, with what some have unearthed, creates greater emotional resiliency, allowing individuals to realign what is essential with their personal values and vision, and what you're truly passionate about. It’s vital to the success of our nation, that we continue to demonstrate these values to our young adults through support and mentorship.

"In order to follow your dreams, you have to put YourPassion1st." - CT


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