The dangers of the “Just Do It” mindset…when you don’t have the tools you need to get it done.
The toughest thing one can do is be vulnerable enough with their feelings to allow the negative impact to push you towards a positive resolution. When we suppress our emotions, they become repressed, and that energy is misdirected and can show up in unexpected and detrimental ways.
Let it out, be vulnerable, be you, but most importantly, always strive for the thing you want to see and be.
In order to follow your dreams, you have to put YourPassion1st.
Equity isn’t giving everyone a bandaid, equity is giving a bandaid to those who need it.
Many academics and scholars are having conversations about the importance of mental health in spaces where the underserved don’t have access. These conversations are happening in “abundance” and it can seem that the tides are changing, however, those that need access to mental health assistance are still severely lacking.
The World Health Organization compiled information from over 20 studies and came to the conclusion that poverty, hunger, overcrowded housing, and more are directly linked to a higher rate of mental illness. Furthermore, A study by JAMA Psychiatry has found that low-income communities lack access to specialty mental health care treatment.
These findings suggest that underserved youth are at a higher risk of mental health issues and have fewer resources than those in higher-income households.
When we connect mental health to being “functional in the workplace” and pursuing goals and passions then those that come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are at a direct disadvantage.
It’s important for us to do our part in supporting the mental health of the next generation so that we can give them a fighting chance of not only being able to take care of themselves but so that we can have the privilege of experiencing and benefiting from all of the talents and gifts that are lying dormant inside of them. They are our future and when we ignore them and cast them aside we are doing humanity a disservice.